Oh, my goodness!
I decided to update my website and it has been challenging adventure for me. I thought my anxiety and frustrations might be a good topic for my first blog.
My feelings may be similar to what you might feel the first time you reach out to talk with a counselor. For me, working on a new website is like learning a new language. I am entering the unknown. I am not a techy person, so I am intimidated by the process. I feel overwhelmed and I don’t even know the right questions to ask.
How did I get through this? I told myself, “Self, you can do this. It is going to be difficult at first. It is hard because you are stepping into the unknown. You may want to throw the towel in, but you have to keep your eye on the reason you are updating your website.” I continued by telling myself, “Self, you will not get it perfect and this is ok. Besides, there is probably someone who can guide you through this and help you not feel so overwhelmed. “
Reaching out for counseling the first time is scary; it a step into the unknown. Your heart may race, and your throat might quiver. You might tell yourself lots of reasons that you should not call. You might think: “You will sound like an idiot,” “No one cares to hear what is going on with you.” Can you change these negative thoughts into more uplifting and encouraging words? Such as: “It is ok to be frightened when you do something new, this is typical.” “ There are people out there that want to listen to you.” “No question is a stupid question except the one that is not asked.” “I will not make this call perfectly, because there are no perfect calls.” “If I mess-up then it will not be the end of the world.” “Someone will be there to help me through the process.” “Asking for help is a sign of strength and courage; not weakness”.
Try something new! Challenge yourself! You may be surprised how proud you will feel after you adventure out!
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